
Hack Run 1520mbps speed broadband Internet.

how are you all? I hope everyone is doing well, it's not bad to stay with tekatiunera watching naajebaje no reason not to come to work, let's rattle. Currently we offer those who live in urban areas, almost all of them use broadband Internet. But for all of 1520 Mbps is not possible to use the net because you know all of the bandwidth is not bandhara damato too low. We are poor people who use the net 12emabiesa of the great men of how they can be used as a 1520 MBS net.
So what's the hack can be. When we take the net to broadband companies. An IP address is the amakera, we use the IP hack the net. One of us will have to download the software. The name of the software IP Address Scner I'll put the link below.
Open the software starts with the first box if your IP and second box after you click the Start Scanning some Ip address, Host name, and you can see Mac address. You can see the MAC address of the host name. IP with Mac and you can hack the net. You go to your router's IP was that the skin instead of your IP from the IP address that you want to give it.
It will not work because you are the only IP, IP to MAC address that is to be cloned at. Mac clone to clone the Mac will go to the router settings. Then save, and now you will begin to work in the net. If I look at the video if you do not understand.

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