GBWhatsApp Plus Mod v7.10 Apk Latest Version
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Download GBWhatsapp Dual WhatsApp Mod Apk Full Version - Bagi anda yang belum tahu GB WhatsApp adalah aplikasi Wa alternatif bagi anda yang ingin memiliki 2 akun Wa dalam 1 ponsel Android dan aplikasi GBWhatsApp ini sudah dimodifikasi menjadi bentuk yang lebih menarik dengan fitur-fitur terbaru didalamnya, serta peningkatan performa, dan perbaikan bugs.
Dengan artian anda bisa menginstall aplikasi GBWhatsApp ini secara berdampingan dengan aplikasi WhatsApp Official yang ada di Playstore hanya dengan 1 ponsel Android (Dual WhatsApp). Tentunya aplikasi GBWhatsapp Apk Terbaru ini sudah mendukung beberapa fitur baru. Penasaran apa saja fiturnya? Simak dibawah ini.
Baca Juga
- The possibility of hiding to appear
- Privacy options
- Possibility to distinguish between collective messages and regular
- ossibility of a lock for Watts in August password
- The ability to send video size 30 MB instead of 16 MB
- The possibility of sending 90 image at once without 10
- Possibility of a case of the number of dependent characters 250 instead of 139 symbols
- The possibility of pressure on the links without storing the message sender or the number of the owner
- Counter statistics for groups
- View the media without loading
- The possibility to hide the name and the date when copying two or more
- Ability to copy case
- The possibility of changing the program format, and change the program icon and notices
- and many more features.
Yang Baru v7.10:
- Based on the latest version of WhatsApp 2.17.223.
- Message Scheduler Inbuilt – Now you can schedule WhatsApp messages from this app.
- Hide View Status Privacy.
- Added option for hide chats, save status/story.
- New Emojis Added.
- Video Calling Feature is now working.
- Send Videos Upto 50 MB.
- Set Group name upto 35 characters.
- Fixed Various Bugs while sending videos.
- You hide your last seen, Blue ticks, Second tick, typing a message and much more.
- You can also copy other people status on your clipboard.
- You can send the broadcast message up to 600 people at once.
- You can put status of 255 characters instead of 139 characters without any issues
- About 100+ language supports
- Change theme easily by going into theme option
- Mod to stay online for 24 hours (consume more battery)
- Can be installed along with original WhatsApp without clashing
- No ban issues
- Create your WhatsApp theme and submit it to GBWhatsApp
- Send images up to 90 in one click instead of 10 images
- Press links without saving the admin and contact numbers on WhatsApp group and contact number
- Ability to copy selected text of WhatsApp
- You can also add lock on your WhatsApp without any third party software
- You can also change the application icon and notification icon.
Dengan menggunakan gbwhatsapp v7.10 apk dual whatsapp ini diharapkan dapat membantu kebutuhan anda sehari-hari untuk chatting bersama teman, keluarga, atau client kerja. Kebanyakan orang membutuhkan dual whatsapp untuk memilah kegiatan chatting antara teman keluarga dan rekan kerja sehingga terkesan lebih professional.
Link Download
[UPDATE]Download GBWhatsApp v7.10 Apk
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